Welcome Home: Making Your Temporary Home Feel Comfortable and Welcoming

Human beings are conditioned to have routines and security in their lives. And there are few things we count on more than having a home to return to at the end of a long day. It’s where our family is, all our belongings are, where we sleep, eat, shower, and relax. We take pride in decorating, putting family pictures on walls, and tailoring each room to our taste.

Imagine then, if disaster struck—your house caught fire, or was otherwise damaged in a storm and you had to move out while repairs were done. You would need to move to a temporary home or a hotel. It would be disorienting for sure, but there are ways to make it feel as much like your real home as possible.

Whether you’re settling in for a short-term or long-term stay, here are some recommendations to make the transition a bit smoother:

Accommodation Necessities
If your family requires special accommodations such as handicapped accessible amenities, children attending local schools, a pet friendly environment or need to cook, these items aren’t nice-to-have’s, they’re must-have’s:

  • Handicapped accessible (1st floor availability, elevators, no stairs to parking lot, etc.)
  • Pet friendly (an area close by to walk your pet)
  • Full kitchen (stove, oven, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher)
  • Washer and dryer (either in-home or on the premises)
  • Kid friendly (tub in bathroom, no sharp edges or glass furniture, covered electrical outlets, etc.)

Custom Accommodations
When you want your temporary home to feel and look like your permanent home, consider adding these budget-friendly touches:

  • Colorful or pattern curtains
  • Artwork or wall hangings
  • Photographs in frames
  • Plants or flowers
  • Decorative bed and couch pillows
  • Anything from your old home undamaged

Desirable location
Not only do you want to be in a safe neighborhood, but it’s important for you to be close to familiar things:

  • Your kids’ schools
  • Your home pharmacy
  • Doctors’ offices
  • Your damaged home (to check on repairs)
  • Grocery stores
  • Gas stations

Remember, temporary housing is just that – temporary. Make it as comfortable as you can so it feels like home for as long as you are there.

Experiencing the loss of property and the necessity of moving into temporary housing is never easy. ALE Solutions has over 20 years of experience in providing short-term and long-term temporary housing for displaced policyholders. Our goals are simple: provide families with temporary housing equal in quality to their existing residence and do so within their ALE budget.

If and when you need to secure temporary housing, turn to ALE Solutions, the largest temporary housing provider for displaced families.


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