Spring Cleaning & Home Safety Checklist

Spring has officially sprung! Now is the time to open the windows and let some fresh air in to breathe new life into your home after a long winter. Careful inspection around your home to detect problems can mean the difference between a minor repair, or severe damage with help from a professional. With care and safety in mind, we have put together a spring cleaning checklist to help make seasonal home maintenance easy, fast, and efficient.

Air Conditioning:

Start with your air conditioning unit. Check the unit now, so it will be in good, working condition before the summer heat begins. Check all hoses for any splits or leaks. Change the filter and verify that your drain pans are clear. If you have a service contract with a local HVAC company, perhaps have them stop by for a tune-up.

Your Roof:

Using binoculars, look for any visible problems such as missing, shifted, or cracked shingles. If you are able to repair yourself, secure with loose fasteners or nails, as water can penetrate the roof if the nails have moved out of place. When inspecting your roof, also check for bent or tilted vent pipes, and any cracks in your chimney.

Exterior Inspection:

Check the outer walls for problems under the eaves and near any downspouts. Look for openings in wood siding that could allow in bugs, birds or critters to get into your attic or walls. Also inspect the exterior foundation. If you notice cracks any cracks, schedule an appointment with a professional to look at and possibly repair.

Lawn & Garden:

Remove any debris and prune any dead limbs from your trees. Having well-maintained trees on your property can go a long way towards keeping you and your property safe during a storm. To prevent weeds and insects in your lawn, apply some herbicide.

Attic & Basement:

Check your attic and basement for signs of any insects, rodents or other pests. If you notice any insects, such as termites, call an exterminator. While in the basement, look for cracks at the bottom of the concrete walls. If there are any, call a professional to review.

Fire Safety:

Change batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors (this should be done twice a year), and make sure units are free of dust. If you have any fire extinguishers, check their expiration dates and replace if needed. Make sure all family members know how to use a fire extinguisher, and review emergency escape plans.


Check all windows for any leaks (inside and out). Aside from dirt and water, leaks can let in hot air and cool indoor air escape. Use caulk and weatherproofing strips as necessary to seal your windows.


Check both the indoor and outdoor plumbing for any leaky faucets or clogged drains. Look under sinks to ensure there are no connection issues with the seals. Also make sure all washing machine hoses, dryer and water heater have no cracks. Additionally, remember to clean your dryer vent.


Your deck should be cleaned at least once a year to help extend its life and to identify any needed repairs, which may include re-sealing it.


Before using your grill for the first time this year, check that all hoses are securely connected and the burner jets for clogs. If you own a charcoal grill, remove and properly dispose of any ash or grease residue.

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